Friday, March 14, 2008

Pregnant Talk

Well life has not been fun this week.  The salon was dead, so I think my body thought... well this week would be a great week to get sick then!  So instead of being able to use my time wisely because noone in Provo wants to get their hair done...  (for some reason my Alpine salon is always packed but Provo, not so much) I got to sit on the couch all week.  I was so excited that I was going to have a few days off!  I was thinking... I need to weed out my closet, clean the bathrooms, ya know get some stuff done.  So much for that!  Well I hope everyone is feeling sorry for me now! :-)  haha! But really I'm counting down the days until I'm 13 weeks along!  Rumor has it that that is when I start feeling better!!!! yay! (I hit 12 weeks today) The best part about this week was my first doctors visit!!  Mark came and we were able to hear the babies heartbeat!  :-)  Ok I'll stop complaining because I really am soooo excited to be a mom!  All of this has got to be worth it!!


The Tarin Family said...

So I read your blog! And I'm so excited you are expecting! I am too! I use to be due Sept. 27th and then they pushed me back a week... so now I'm due Oct. 4th. It seems like we are close in due dates. Anyway, CONGRATS! Being a mom is the best!

The Evans Family said...

You know what is so funny...somehow Heavenly Father made it so right when the baby comes you forget how bad it all was...and then you get pregnant again and the first time you get sick it all comes rushing back to you...BUT (and its a big but) it is TOTALLY worth it. We are way excited to see you guys in a couple weeks!

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Parkinson Family said...

Jody just remember its all in your head! lol j/k i totally know what you mean, we hope that this 13 week mark means no more sickness, good luck! thank you so much for coming over the other day, it would have been rough without you, you guys have been helping us out a lot lately we really appreciate it. Whenever you need something we are here! thanks again, we love you guys!

Stephanie said...

Hey I totally know how you feel about the Salon not being busy the Salon in Provo I work at has been dead as well. Congrats on becoming a Mom thats exciting!!

eden and david said...

congrats on the pregnancy!

Brian, Natalie, Kyrie said...

Jody, I hope you start feeling better soon, come to think of it, I don't ever remeber feeling sick while Kyrie was in the womb. I suppose it helps when the baby is in somebody else's womb. (Adoption: the key to no morning sickness)

Mikel said...

After being sick for 7 months...I am also desperately clinging to what everyone tells me "oh, it's all totally worth it." Well, it better be! haha

The Johnson Family said...

Hey Jody, Being a receptionist sounds so so nice! What salons are you working at? Some good advice I got is lots and lots of protein, it makes you feel so much better when you have morning sickness... I always have a can of almonds with me or a protein bar. Second COCO BUTTER day and night!!!! Hopefully if you start now your belly wont itch like crazy!!! So when do you and mark find out what your having! I'm so excited for you!

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Kristy Stoner said...

-k- If you ever want to go and look at houses when your hubby can't go, call me! I'll go with you!

Lacey Evanson Stewart said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! I am super excited for you! You will love being a mom, and You are going to be a great mom, especially since you will never have to take them for a hair cut?!! J/K!! Anyways, hope to see you soon, when I am out there!!


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Tyson,Brandy,Chanel, Crew said...

Congrats on being pregnant!!!
Brandy (AKA Murillo)