Thursday, July 24, 2008


Well I'm only 7 months pregnant, so right now the last thing I would want to do is... go to the hospital!  For the last few days I've been having a lot of lower back pain.  Assuming that it is completely normal b/c I'm in my third trimester and the baby is obviously growly rapidly now, I just decided to brush it off.  Well, tuesday night was almost unbearable!  Mark and I were watching a movie and I kept having to switch positions or stand up for a few min etc etc.  But once again I just figured that I'm kinda a baby and every pregnant girl goes through pains like these.  Now today was a diff. story!  I woke up (ready to pack all day since we are moving in two days) and the pain had multiplied.  Mark was so nice, but I on the other hand was a rollercoaster! One min. I was crying and the next I was super ornery. We tried tylenol, heating pads, icyhot, swimming, a massage, a bath etc. but nothing seemed to work. I just kept thinking... omg if this is what I'm going to feel for the next 2 months!!!!!  Finally at 7pm we were driving down to provo to drop mark off at school and I was going to go register at babiesRus when I just couldn't take it anymore!  We called the Doc and he told me to go into the ER.  After much mental punishment of me telling myself I'm such a baby... your not even in labor!! I was relieved to find out that I had a kidney stone and the pain is often compared to or worse than labor contractions!  I guess I'll be able to compare them myself in a few months! :-)  Sorry for such a super long post!!  I'm feeling good as new now... I just have my fingers crossed that I don't have to go back tomorrow! (I guess its possible that it hasn't completely passed yet) Anyway, I am so grateful that the baby is ok and it was just me!!! they said her heartrate is perfect and kidney stones couldn't effect her :-)  I think I'm starting to realize that I really would do anything for her!


The Tarin Family said...

I'm so glad that everything is okay! Sucks super bad that you had a kidney stone, but glad you are okay non-the-less!
When you have the baby, please PROMISE me you will tell me which one is worse! (pain wise, obviously having a baby is soooo much better!) I've needed to know the answer to this for ages! And now I have someone who can tell me!
Hope things continue to stay good for you, and I pray you don't have to deal with kidney stones anymore! That's just no fun!
Take care!

The Johnson Family said...

Scary! I'm glad everything is ok. Kidney stones are aweful. I hate to tell you this but labor is much worse. But you will quickly forget once the little one is here. Don't strain to much with the move!

Benjamin said...

You poor little baby mama! I'm glad you are better and that baby girl is a-ok too. I miss you. Thank you for the b-day wishes and now I wish them right back to you. I love you.

The Johnson Family said...

my parents moved up here about 2 and half years ago and its so nice to be close now. I'm not going to work but I do want to keep my license updated just incase and for the discounts. My cousin told me they changed the test and its much easier now! I will post my number on facebook, call me!

Rhiannon said...

wow! i bet that was scary! i'm glad you both are ok.
it was good to see you last wknd. we got to get together again soon.

Kristy Stoner said...

I'm so sorry! I PRAY I never have Kidney Stones! I hope it's over for you. We really need to hang out! Soon! Call me!

The Bottjer Family said...

Jody- Hey I know this is random, but it's Joy. I was on Shanae's blog and I happened to find your name. It's been so long since I've seen you. It sounds like everything's going great for you. Congrats on your little girl! You can check us out at

Talk to you soon!

Branden and Mindy said...

Oh my dont you ever do that again, I was thinking at the end of that post that you were going to say that you really did go into labor. You poor thing. Im so sorry about that crappy experience. Im so glad your okay and doing well. I hope you like the new place!