Friday, July 18, 2008


I  saw this on my friend's blog and it looked like fun!!!  I thought I'd give it a try :-)

1.  As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together.  Doesn't matter if you knew me a lot or a little, basically anything you can remember!

2.  Next, re-post these instructions on your blog!  It's quite fun to see what people remember!  If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume your playing the game and come leave one on yours! 


The Tarin Family said...

Yay! I'm glad you are playing!
I totally remember going to my house during SS and YW with you to have a snack! Those were the days! haha! Didn't we once get caught by my dad or something, and we were like, "Um, we're going back, we just got here to have a snack..." but we ended up not going back anyway, or something like that?? I know it happened to me a few times. Oops! :o) I wasn't a big fan of SS or YW back in the day...
I also remember when you sang in church when you guys first moved in, I thought (and still think) you have the most amazing voice in the world! You are so talented!
And yeah, I remember having a crush on your brother for a little while! haha!
PS: How are you feeling?? Only a couple months left! You geting excited!?

The Johnson Family said...

I remember the first time my fam came to your house. We had just moved to houston and didn't know anyone. We went swimming in your pool and thought you guys were so awesome. I also remember when Angela Cordells mom drove off after choir (i think it was choir) and we had to walk to your house and your grandpa was there and he thought it was wierd that i had black finger nail polish. I know, totally random.

We are living with my parents right now while we look for a house. Hopefully we will get settled soon somewhere in the Sandy area.

Rhiannon said...

i'm hoping your memory is as sharp as mine ;) & i only have to say a few phrases for you to know what i'm talking about.
jr yr. christmas dance. the fish.
i will be very disappointed if you don't know what that means. how could you not though?! it was one of the best moments in history!

Tyson,Brandy,Chanel, Crew said...

Ha Ha! I would be so crazy to have another baby that fast!! I am still teaching at the studio. It's nice because I can take Chanel with me. I get all of her bows from my mom's Dance Gear Boutique! She has tons of cute baby girl items. She also has tutu and the skirt Chanel wore on her birthday, baby leg warmers and tiny ballet shoes. Are you working at a salon? How far along are you now?

Sarah said...

Hmmm..EFY is always a good one. That was seriously one of the funnest summers ever. I remember drooling over cute guys and jumping on our beds singing backstreet boy songs. Good times! We need to get together again soon to make more memories!

Becky said...

Guess what??!! I'm actually roomates with your cousin Kristin Hill here in LA...small world! I'm in California doing an internship in interior design... it's been a lot of fun. How is your pregnancy going? Hope you're doing well. Keep me posted.

Mikel said...

So this memory is related to the memory you had of me...

One night a few weeks before you were supposed to be getting home from your mission Lindsey and I were talking about how nervous we were to meet you cause of how much the guys talked about you and how important you are in their lives. I was so relieved that when I did meet you at your homecoming you were SUPER nice and I left feeling like we would actually be friends!

Parkinson Family said...

ummm...when i first met you... we were late getting to the airport and then you rode with me to the restaurant and that was the first time you met me and tyler too! lol

The Evans Family said...

Scott here. I assume Jody posted, so I will post under that assumption. I remember when you came over to my parents house and played Guitar Hero for the first time. You were quiet and my family was...well...not quiet. I thought you and Mark were good together, but I have been known to be wrong before. :) Just kidding. I really hoped you guys would end up together...Well here we are today. You have your own Blog! Oh, and a baby on the way. Love you guys!

Benjamin said...

Oh all the memories I have . . .
there are the fall on the ground funny ones like when we were on the stairs of our condo hanging out talking and our roommate Alyse came running in the front door from school and without noticing us ran into the bathroom (almost without closing the door) and preceeded to (very noisily) BLOW IT UP! I thought we were going to blow up from trying so hard not to laugh! Then there are the super sweet and sappy ones like the one whose anniversary I will celebrate in 2 weeks - when you were with me as my only family or friend in the temple when I was sealed to my husband. Both of us sanding there crying and hugging realizing the miracle of the gospel and of friendship as just a year and a half earlier I wasn't a member and you weren't active.
I love you Jo.