Friday, July 17, 2009

rice cereal fight to cure Jody's attitude!

So I don't know why, but I was super ornery today.  Not just ornery but super sarcastic too.  Watch out for Jody's attitude!  Well around 6 I was feeding nora some cereal and mark said something to me and I said some snotty sarcastic remark to him. well, I guess that was the last straw for him because he threw a cup of water on me and I quickly fought back with rice cereal.  Nora joined in and we totally won the fight!!!  


Danielle said...

that's so cute! I'm glad he knows how to make you feel better:)

ps. I think Nora totally looks like a call baby in those pictures!

Tiffany said...

How fun! Looks like you guys had a blast. We are super excited to see you guys too!

Sarah said...

haha, sounds like a good way to resolve some pent up aggression!

Parkinson Family said...

lol, how fun!

Rhiannon said...

Hahahaha! That is so funny! Nothing like a little food fight to break the tension.

Val Murphy said...

Good job grabbing the camera after something fun like that...I am so bad at doing that. Those are the pictures that are the most fun to look at though :)

Branden and Mindy said...

yay, your alive, I keep checking your blog and i haven't seen a post in a while! She is absolutely beautiful! Oh my gosh she is precious! love your baby food fight!

Brenda & Michael said...

Sometimes a little rice cereal puts things in the right perspetive. :)You're a cute family

Kelly Evanson said...

very cute! it was a blast seeing you in michigan. love the photoshoot. all of the pix's are darling! i hope you were serious about visiting me! it would be alot of fun.

Dori said...

That is so funny! I think I would be in a lot of trouble if I started a food fight! It would probably end up 5 boys against me! Nora is growing up so fast!