This is gonna be an extra LONG post. Unfortunately it's been so long I don't think it's possible to really fill you in on everything! Here's me and Nora at our new house in Michigan. Yes, for those of you who don't know where we are now, we're in Michigan. And... we love it! Our ward is rad, our neighbors are rad, mark is loving school, we have a huge backyard (therefore Nora loves it) and we have eachother, so how could we complain!? Not yet at least, since we haven't seen a Michigan winter :-)

We visited NYC for the 4TH OF JULY
It was Mark's first time ever going and it was super fun! My mom helped us out so much! She flew out east with me and the 2 kiddos.

Ok so I don't want to sound like I'm boasting (although I totally am) but Robbie is the best baby ever!! Seriously I think Heavenly Father just knows with all my medical junk that's going on right now that I couldn't handle a "normal" baby. Seriously, Robbie is not normal. He'll lay on my bed for 2 hours while I clean and not cry at all! He sings and makes bubbles all day long. Nora is pretty good entertainment for him also :-) He is just so content all the time. I lay him on the floor in sunday school and relief society and he just chills there for 2 hours, for reals! He makes me so happy. I am so thankful for him and that he is in our little family. I am constantly thanking Heavenly Father for such a good baby because I couldn't have handled another Nora. LOVE HER!! but I just couldn't have had another one like her right now at this point in my life. Concerning my issues... I am sooo much better. I'm still having to go to the hospital weekly but really, so much better than before :-)

Nora absolutley loves Robbie! She calls him her "baby doll." Watch out though because she is very protective over him also. Only her and Mom are aloud to hold him, not even Dad! She's too jealous to let mark hold him in front of her.

Baby came in May, we were in D.C. June and July and moved to Michigan in August.
Mark worked at the Capitol this last summer

She is such a Daddys Girl!!!

A bunch of my family came out to Michigan after we moved here. It was so fun to play at the lake with everyone! Nora loves her cousins!!

Robbies first haircut. He was sporting a mini mullet so it had to go!

There's the low down. Mark is now in his second month in law school and working super hard. We miss everyone so much but are happy to be where we are :-)
Love you all!!!
WOW! Y'all have been busy. Glad you are finally settled somewhere and doing better!
So good to finally hear from you! I'm glad all is well for your family. I am jealous of your super baby! That would be a dream! You deserve it.
I LOVE the pictures, especially the one of you and Nora at the beginning. It sounds like you guys are great. It's just too bad that we won't see you guys for a while.
Love you guys!
I'm glad you are loving Michigan and have such a rad ward and neighbors...those 2 things always seem to make a world of difference. The kiddos look darling and you look great too! :)
love all the pix's!! keep updating! miss you
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